Associazione Soomaaliya ONLUS

The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus, was founded by Dr Mohamed Aden Sheikh in Turin, Italy on 20 march 2002, the objective being to create a new working environment in favour of people in developing countries, paying particular attention to Somalia, through cooperation for development, education, health assistance, conservation of nature and landscape, culture and art.

Operating on national and international level, Soomaaliya Onlus intend to create and sustain organized local communities so as to reach food self-sufficiency, education and health assistance.

Such objectives are accomplished through study and later implementing specific projects in various parts of Somalia.

So far, the association has achieved some practical goals, in addition to sending goods for basic necessities (relief goods):

  • Developing autonomous agriculture (independent) -tractors, material to purify water and construction of a public water system;
  • Supporting child education by offering books written in Somali language and constituting a network of teachers that are paid for by the association;
  • Dispensing medicines that are able to assist the communities, even with medical doctors and paramedics, in collaboration with some international humanitarian organizations;
  • The association has furthermore devised and managed a programme for long distance adoption, still in effect, through which to create contact between Italian and Somali families.

With these various projects, the association intends to increase autonomy of the populations in the rural areas (villages).

All this being possible due to contributions and ever increasing number of committed individuals, firms and institutions that are in favor of the programme.

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