Mission and Charter of Values
La missione
The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus, was founded in Turin March 20, 2002 by Dr. Mohamed Aden Sheikh and other friends, with the intention of creating a new working environment in favour of people in developing countries, paying particular attention to Somalia, through cooperation for development, education, health assistance, conservation of nature and landscape, culture and art.
Operating on national and international level, Soomaaliya Onlus intend to create and sustain organized local communities so as to reach food self-sufficiency, education and health assistance.
The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus wants to contribute, through the commitment, motivation, determination and professionalism of its staff, to the process of poverty reduction and growth of the communities with which it cooperates in the world, intervening in situations of emergency, reconstruction and development, to achieve a better balance between developed areas and less developed areas and / or in developing countries.
The Charter of Values
- Solidarity: The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus wants to increase and affirm the culture of solidarity through information and awareness for the protection and respect of fundamental rights of all peoples, as required by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations.
- Participation: The Association Onlus Soomaaliya involves institutions, communities, associations and local organizations to analyze problems, identify the most appropriate solutions to the cultures, customs and habits of the beneficiaries.
- Sustaninability of the intervention: The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus implements its projects enhancing the facilities, the economic resources and the local staff, with the goal of a real and lasting development of the countries in which it operates.
- Responsibilies: The Association Onlus Soomaaliya continuously assesses the effectiveness of its interventions, checking the quality and capacity of local partners in order to ensure self-sustainability of the project.
- Transparency: The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus is committed to efficiently manage the funds raised and to report to all its donors, both institutional and private.
- Neutrality: The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus operates with complete independence from private interests and autonomy from government policies, maintaining equidistance from both political parties to religious denominations.
- Transfer of knowledge: The Association Onlus Soomaaliya diffuses competencies so that the beneficiaries of its interventions are able to work in complete autonomy and independently.
- Innovation: The Association Onlus Soomaaliya pursue the continuous improvement of their skills, refining methods and operating strategies that are able to implement innovative approaches and more effective.
- Respect for diversity and fight against discrimination: The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus is committed to the promotion of cultures and differences in the belief that this is a fundamental condition for progress.
- Development of human resources: The Associazione Soomaaliya Onlus respects the rights and protects the safety of all its employees and volunteers, recognizing their professional works, in compliance with the international standards and of the country in which they work.