Modern history os Somalia: a translation of the book by Mohamed Aden Sheikh - Somalia is not Carribean island translated in english and available online.

Is a rapid survey on the modern day history of Somalia, described through personal experiences in which the author resides, as he defines it, in a bigamous type of identity, Somali and Italian culture together.

The exit of the Italians from the scene after failed colonial experience, the sinking of the democratic parliament, the coup d’état by general Siad Barre-a despot modernizer that turned out to be a blood thirst tyranny toppled in 1991-and finally twenty years without peace has martyred Somalia and has undergone control by the Islamic extremists. Will the moderate Islam incarnated by President Sheik Sheriff Sheik Ahmed succeed in saving this country from the clutches of the Shabab (Somali talebans allied with the al Qaeda) and from the new mafia that encourages piracy in the Indian Ocean. In this analysis of utmost exacted, the author does fail to present us his reflections on contemporary Italy and the changes that country has undergone in few decades in relation to political life and the conditions of immigrants and in relation to Islam.

Review by Giorgio Giacomelli:

Recensione Giorgio Giacomelli (pagina 1) Recensione Giorgio Giacomelli (pagina 2)
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